The Balancing Act: Relationships & ADHD
ADHD doesn’t just impact work or school- it can throw personal relationships a loop- big time! Between paying attention to your partner’s conversations, remembering details, keeping shared spaces clean, and showing up on time the practical implications of an ADHD brain can make an otherwise solid relationship feel pretty shaky at times. And that’s not even beginning to address the impact of rejection sensitivity and emotional overwhelm!
That’s why I was so thrilled to be able to talk with Kim and Penn Holderness over at the Holderness family podcast. These guys could not be more real or more funny. If you don’t know them already- they are the “Christmas jammies” people. They offer hilarious and ever so relatable youtube videos on topics from COVID lockdowns, to getting your kids to eat, to prepping thanksgiving dinner. And if I’m honest, those COVID parodies got me through many a bad quarantine moment.
We had a blast talking through the particulars of loving with an ADHD brain and got into some nitty-gritty details on things like:
Tips for both ADHD and non-ADHD partners.
How to manage those tricky spots where two different brains create tension
Strategies for remaining connected when ADHD tensions arise
The number one strategy that I use In my ADHD marriage and that I recommend for all my clients
Ways ADHD brains differ from neurotypical brains
The reason why it’s so hard for ADHD brains to finish a task
This one is definitely worth a listen. You will laugh, you will smile and you might even pick up a new technique or two. Enjoy!
Ready to shift from
meltdown to mastery?
This online course has been designed specifically to help teach the strategies ADHD brains need to help them move from overwhelm and meltdowns to confident emotional mastery.
Want to know more about
thriving with ADHD?
Check out these other articles:
Sex and ADHD: How to Keep the Spark Alive in the Bedroom