2020 Best Gifts for ADHD Brains
Sick of giving gifts that get a half-hearted smile and you find gathering dust at the back of your loved-one’s closet come Valentine’s day? This list is a round of my all-time favorite, game-changing tools, gadgets and products that will rock the world of that special someone with an ADHD brain in your life. Each item on this list is something we have and love in our house or is something I have enthusiastically recommended to my clients and every single one answers a particular need, desire or craving of the ADHD brain.
Hatch Restore Sunrise Alarm Clock
This ingenious clock not only wakes you gently, allowing your body to cycle naturally out of sleep but it helps you fall asleep through a bedtime routine that you create.
Why I love it:
Many ADHD brains get their deeper sleep in the early morning hours, leading them to wake up groggy and grumpy. This clever clock simulates sunrise- starting to glow red and moving orange, yellow and finally a bright white at your set wake time, allowing your body time to secrete the cortisol it needs to feel fully awake at your wake up time.
We all know how hard it can be to wind down and turn off an ADHD brain. Hatch allows you to set your bedtime routine and guides you through it at the times and intervals you set. Find yourself reading for hours on end at night? Hatch will turn your reading light off after a set period of time. Have trouble quieting your brain? Schedule a sleep story or sleep meditation to quiet your thoughts. Reading and meditation not your pre-bed jam? You get to schedule and set what works best for you!
Check out hatch here. $129.95
Fitbit Sense
The fitbit sense isn’t just another smartwatch- this little powerhouse is like a mini ADHD genie strapped to your wrist.
Why I love it:
The Fitbit Sense can act like an external brain, giving your actual brain a break.
The built in Alexa will help you keep track of all those important details- giving you gentle vibration reminders,
The built in fitness tracker will give you the feedback and the competitive jolt to get that movement in and
the sleep tracker not only helps you find your best sleep schedule but it can measure your SpO2 while sleeping to track for signs of sleep disorders like sleep apnea!
My favorite feature by far is stress monitoring which acts like that magical fairy godmother that senses as your tension rises (through fancy electrodermal monitoring) long before your ADHD brain would register it and tells you to take a breath or go for a walk. How cool is that?!?
Check it out here. $279.95
Verilux Happy Light with Countdown Timer
Sunlight is an essential ingredient to a happy and healthy brain. But in the winter it can be hard to get enough of the right light. The happy light delivers your brain those much needed rays and will help lift your mood and wake you up in the morning.
Why I love it:
The happy light not only helps you beat the winter blues (which ADHD brains are more susceptible to) but can also help with sleep. By turning the light on in the morning, it wakes your brain up which helps set your circadian rhythms to help you sleep at night.
I also like the Verilux happy light because it is compact, easy to use and offers the 10,000 lux you need for maximum effect. And special bonus of this model for ADHD brains? An automatic countdown timer- so you can set it and forget it!
Try putting one beside your computer screen for the first 45 minutes of your day and see how much more productive and balanced you can feel. Check out the Verilux Happy light here. $69.95
Amazon Echo, 4th Generation
A smart speaker to do all the things…
Why I love it:
I love “screenless” smart systems for ADHD brains because they offer all the convenience and functionality with none of the “black hole” distractions.
Use Alexa to serve as your external working memory: add things to your shopping list the minute they occur to you, tell her to turn off your lights or have her play your favorite sleep meditation.
You can also use alexa to help you create routines- have her play a wake up yoga routine 2 minutes after your alarm goes off or schedule her to play a sleep meditation before you need to head off to dreamland.
My favorite thing about Alexa is she doesn’t just remind you to do something. She reminds you to do the right thing. So instead of an alarm going off and you having to figure out what it’s for- she tells you- “Take your meds”
Check it out here. $49.99
Vari Electric Standing Desk
ADHD brains are often more able to focus when just a little of their extra energy is siphoned off and kept busy so the rest of it can get to work. Standing desks do exactly that. Plus they keep your back and hips healthy and happy!
Why I love it:
The electric lift makes it easy to move from sit to stand- eliminating that pesky voice that tells you it’s too much trouble.
Gone are the days of standing desks that look like hospital trays. The Vari desk has several top and leg options, making it one of the most customizable and attractive options out there.
The Vari Desk is the perfect size to combine with an under desk treadmill-giving your brain all the neurotransmitter love it needs to be at it’s best.
Gamma Ray Blue Light Blocking Glasses
These simple glasses will give your tired eyes a break from the harmful blue lights of your computer, your phone, even your light bulbs.
Why I love it:
ADHD brains are more sensitive to harsh stimulation- that includes light. These glasses give your eyes (and brain) a break- leading to fewer headaches and less strain.
Because an ADHD brain is more sensitive, it is also more thrown off by the melatonin (ie: sleepy drug) inhibiting aspect of blue light. These glasses protect your brain at night, allowing you to fall asleep more easily.
The Gamma Ray glasses are both comfortable and not so tinted that you feel like a clown.
Gaiam Classic Balance Ball Chair
This balance ball chair is sturdy enough to hold up over time while also offering the maneuverability of wheels and the support of a back rest.
Why I love it:
ADHD brains are constantly seeking stimulation. The micromovements of tilting, rolling, bouncing and shifting that this chair encourages gives your brain the stimulation it craves so it doesn’t have to go out and find it from your instagram thread.
The movement of a balance ball chair also helps keep your spine and core muscles strong and healthy, counteracting the core weakness that is often correlated with ADHD.
Time Timer- the original 60 minute visual timer
This little powerhouse packs a major time awareness punch.
Why I love it:
Time is rarely linear or predictable for ADHD brains. But the time timer helps- by making time visual, it makes it easier to understand the passing of time- helping your brain gauge how much time is left.
Time timer has an app, but I love this analog version because it doesn’t disappear when your screen goes to sleep- the red circle continues to tell you exactly where you stand.
The audible version of the time timer gives your brain an additional warning in case you slipped into hyperfocus, but if sensitivity is an issue this feature can be turned off with the flick of a switch.
Check out the time timer here. $22.99
Have a favorite ADHD gadgets, gizmos and tools that’s not on the list? Add it in the comments below.
This page includes affiliate links. I receive a small commission for any purchase made from clicking these links— at no cost to you. But rest assured- I refuse to link to anything I don’t love. Each and every product I suggest is one we use in our house and that I enthusiastically recommend to my clients.
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meltdown to mastery?
This online course has been designed specifically to help teach the strategies ADHD brains need to help them move from overwhelm and meltdowns to confident emotional mastery.
Want to know more about
thriving with ADHD?
Check out these other articles:
Finding Your ADHD Sweet Spot: Navigating Optimal Stimulation for a Balanced Brain