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Non-Medication Treatment for ADHD: Sorting Facts from Fiction

ADHD medication is wonderful.  Truly wonderful.  It’s the gold standard treatment for ADHD and literally THE most effective and THE most well-tolerated psychoactive drug that we have.

Unless it’s not.

Your system may not tolerate the side effects.  Or ADHD meds might make other issues going on for you worse.  Or maybe you are pregnant or breastfeeding.  Or perhaps meds just aren’t enough. 

Whatever your reasons are for looking beyond medication, you’ve come to the right place.

Non-Medication Treatment for ADHD: An Overview

If you’re looking for alternative ways to treat ADHD, not only are you in the right place, but you’ve got a lot of company. Because as great as meds are, even when they are great– they don’t do it all, and so a lot of really smart people have been trying a lot of really great things to try to help.  To both make up for where meds fall woefully short and to help take over where meds just aren’t the thing.

So what have all these brilliant brains come up with?  I’m so glad you asked.

Alternative Treatments for ADHD include:

  • ADHD-Informed Psychotherapy

  • Behavioral therapy

  • Exercise

  • Neurofeedback

  • Mindfulness meditation

  • Computerized brain training

  • Diet changes and supplements

  • Sleep hygiene

  • Mind-body techniques

But there’s a LOT of misinformation out there about how to cope with ADHD without meds, and it’s easy to spend a lot of time, energy, hope, and money on strategies that don’t have much backing.  So let's dig into what the research says- let's find out- what works and what’s just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo.

ADHD-Informed Psychotherapy: What It Is and What the Research Says

ADHD-Informed psychotherapy is a specialized form of therapy designed to cater to the unique needs and processes of ADHD brains. Drawing from research-based therapeutic techniques, this approach aims to empower ADHD brains to achieve their goals, whether it involves improving personal habits, boosting productivity, navigating intense emotions, or enhancing self-esteem while reducing shame.

By incorporating cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), psychoeducation, mindfulness-based techniques, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), ADHD-informed psychotherapy provides a comprehensive treatment framework. What sets skilled ADHD-informed therapists apart is their ability to adapt these approaches to align with the specific cognitive processes and information processing style of ADHD brains. This tailored approach ensures that individuals with ADHD receive the most effective and impactful therapeutic support available.

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Wondering how to find a skilled ADHD-informed psychotherapist? I’ve got you covered! Check out this guide on the 5 questions to ask a new therapist when beginning ADHD treatment. Or, come over and meet some of our incredible therapists at Rittenhouse Psychological Services, a practice dedicated to helping adults with ADHD thrive.

CBT-i: How It Can Help Adults with ADHD

ADHD brains struggle with sleep.  A LOT.  Because guess what?!? ADHD doesn't hit the snooze button when the lights go out. Those speedy thoughts, grand ideas, big emotions, and boundless energy don't just switch off as we wish they would. And, really, that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to why sleep can be so elusive for ADHD brains.

Enter CBTi, the superhero of therapeutic approaches targeting sleep problems in adults. It's a concise, focused, and remarkably effective strategy that harnesses the power of cognitive and behavioral techniques (CBT) to address the specific factors that disrupt sleep in individuals with ADHD, helping to enhance the quality and duration of sleep.

And really, guys?!?

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AND the sleep issues that so often come along with ADHD brains make life so much more difficult for ADHD brains!  So if sleep is a thing for you and your brain.  CBTi is DEFINITELY something to check out.  (But make sure you’re CBTi therapist has experience working with and translating their work for ADHD brains!) 

Exercise: Does It Really Help with ADHD?

Yes!  Yes, it does!

You know what gets me just as excited as CBTi and ADHD-informed psychotherapy? Exercise! It's my go-to, first-line strategy for anyone and everyone looking for a big more regulation, a greater ability to find the middle ground between the all-in and all-out favorite stomping grounds of their brains.

And the best part? The only side effects are a bit of muscle soreness and maybe a sculpted six-pack down the road!

So, what does exercise actually do? Well, let me give you a sneak peek into the 12 ways exercise can supercharge your brain. 

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But let’s be real for a minute.  Exercise is hard!  It’s hard to do once, let alone over and over again- which is where you will find the real brain-changing benefits.  So if you want to make use of this game-changing strategy, you’re going to want to set up a real ADHD-friendly habit of it.  And that may take some extra support (which brings us back to ADHD-informed psychotherapy!)

Nutrition: Can Diet Make a Difference for ADHD?

Mmmm….food.  The most delicious of natural treatments for ADHD.

But does it DO anything?

Yes.  And no. And a bit in between.  Let me explain.

Our brains are hungry organs.  So hungry, in fact, that our little 3-pound brain uses about 50% of our body’s blood glucose (the fuel created by food that our blood carries around to whatever part of our bodies needs it).  

When our blood glucose levels drop, our brains say: “Oh, shoot!  There’s not enough of what I need, I better make sure I use what I have well.”  And brains are smart- they know they need to keep things like breathing and heart rate going.  But executive functions like decision-making or attentional control?  Well, those maybe can be let go.

This is why trying to figure out where to eat when you are starving is an exasperating experience!

Maintaining stable blood sugar levels, thereby ensuring a consistent supply of glucose, we can spare our brains from such predicaments.

That correlation between ADHD and nutrition is reasonably well-established. However, the specifics regarding which foods and diets are beneficial, detrimental, or neutral for ADHD brains remain somewhat less certain.

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What doesn’t the research support?

There is no evidence to endorse the effectiveness of extreme diets like gluten-free, keto, whole-30, or paleo diets for improving ADHD symptoms. While these diets may have other health benefits, they have not shown specific benefits for ADHD.

Supplements: Omega 3s and Other Options for ADHD Treatment

While Omega-3 fatty acids take the spotlight as one of the most well-known options, there are other fantastic supplements worth considering. These little powerhouses have shown the potential to improve attention, reduce hyperactivity, enhance emotional control, and boost working memory.

Omega-3s for ADHD: 

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But wait, there's more! Here are four additional supplements that have shown promise in ADHD treatment:


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Vitamin D

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Remember, it's crucial to chat with your doctor before adding any supplements to your ADHD treatment regimen. They'll make sure it's safe and effective for you. Your doctor can provide personalized guidance, recommend appropriate dosages, and address any concerns or potential interactions with other medications.

Neurofeedback: How It Works and Who It Can Help

Neurofeedback, also known as EEG biofeedback, uses real-time feedback of brainwave activity to train the brain. By monitoring brainwave patterns and providing cues, individuals can learn to self-regulate their brain function. The goal is to optimize brain activity and improve things like emotional regulation, attentional control, and impulsivity.

The Evidence:

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Personalized Approach:

One of the strengths of neurofeedback is its ability to tailor the training to each individual's specific needs. By assessing the individual's brainwave patterns and identifying areas that require improvement, neurofeedback can be customized to target those specific areas. This personalized approach allows for a more targeted and individualized treatment plan, potentially leading to more effective outcomes.

Neurofeedback holds promise as a means to improve focus, self-regulation, memory, and mood for ADHD brains. While more research is needed, we do have enough current evidence to say that neurofeedback can be a very useful tool to help support ADHD brains.

Computerized Brain Training Therapy: Is It Effective for ADHD?

Computerized brain training programs offer interactive exercises and games designed to strengthen cognitive functions like attention, working memory, and impulse control. It's like a gamified workout for your brain, all from the comfort of your own home!

But does the research support it?

Well, that’s a bit less clear.

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Meditation: A Promising Alternative to Medication?

Ok.  Brace yourself.  I’m going to talk about meditation.  I know- the impulse can be to x out of this post the minute you see that dreaded M word.  But honestly, I’ve saved the best for last.  Because If you're seeking a natural and calming approach to managing inattention, emotional reactivity, focus, and sleep issues, meditation is a perfect fit. 

And really, there’s a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation about meditation out there.  It’s not about clearing your brain and thinking about nothing.  It doesn’t even have to be about sitting still.  The real benefit of meditation doesn’t come from achieving a calm brain at all.  It’s the practice of returning your attention over and over to a single experience that reaps the rewards.

It’s a training ground that helps teach the brain tools to stay in the present, therefore improving focus, concentration, self-awareness, and impulsivity. It's like a mental workout that strengthens your regulation muscles!

What does the research say?

Research on the efficacy of meditation for ADHD is pretty strong, suggesting that regular meditation practice can lead to improvements in attention, executive functioning, overall well-being, and emotional regulation.

The beauty of meditation is its accessibility and flexibility. You can start with just a few minutes a day, gradually increasing your practice over time. Whether you choose guided meditation apps, breathing exercises, or silent sitting, find a meditation style that resonates with you and fits your lifestyle.

No matter what your reason for exploring non-medication options for your ADHD brain are, it’s important to know you have options, to sort through the misinformation that can abound on the topic, and experiment with what works best for you.  

What are the most useful alternative treatments you’ve found?

Ready to shift from
meltdown to mastery?

This online course has been designed specifically to help teach the strategies ADHD brains need to help them move from overwhelm  and meltdowns to confident emotional mastery.

Want to know more about
thriving with ADHD?

Check out these other articles:

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